Takao Middle School (高尾), officially known as Marehoshi Private Middle School Academy's Takao Branch (稀星学園高尾校中等部), is the school that the idol unit KiRaRe attends in the Re:Stage! Project. The school is located west of Tokyo.
Takao Middle School is just an average middle school in the same school system as Marehoshi. This is the school KiRaRe attends which which Mana Shikimiya transfers to in her first year one month after the beginning of the school year. The school is described as being on a hill at the foot of a mountain and have sakura trees in the school yard.
- Mii Hasegawa is the vice president of the student council at Takao, as well as the head of the school's club supervision committee.
- The school requires all students to join a club, no exceptions.